The system of Ayurveda and ayurvedic medicine is based on the qualities (Gunas) of nature. It is the combinations of gunas that differentiate the Five Elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) which in turn make up the three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha). The various gunas (heaviness, temperature, texture, density, subtlety, movement, rhythm, etc) [...]
An Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse is ideal for clearing and renewing the body for the coming Summer months! Do you feel heavy and congested? Are you suffering hay fever, sinus issues, colds and flus? Many people are concerned about runny noses, scratchy eyes and mentally feeling a little cloudy. Some have headaches that don’t seem to [...]
Are you feeling overweight, sluggish, clogged up, mentally confused at the end of Winter? These may be symptoms of accumulation of toxins, called Ama in Ayurveda. Consider doing a simple Spring Cleanse. A cleanse is an easy way to buffer your health and protect your well-being for the coming months and beyond. Spring is the [...]