As we approach the end of the year, many of us start getting concerned about our weight. Here in New Zealand, we want to look good for the Summer, but end-of-year work parties, Christmas meals, New Year events, family reunions, take their toll on our waistlines! Well, here are five great tips from the ayurvedic [...]
An Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse is ideal for clearing and renewing the body for the coming Summer months! Do you feel heavy and congested? Are you suffering hay fever, sinus issues, colds and flus? Many people are concerned about runny noses, scratchy eyes and mentally feeling a little cloudy. Some have headaches that don’t seem to [...]
Stress is a necessary part of life, and also of growth. Without physical stress, our muscles cannot develop, and we cannot build endurance. This is called “eustress” or good stress. When the body is stressed by a threatening or challenging event, the adrenal glands secrete adrenalin, which prepares the body for “Fight-or-Flight.” After the threatening [...]