
The Three Doshas of Ayurveda

The ayurvedic qualities of Nature The ancient ayurvedics observed Nature and agreed that there were some qualities – such as hot/cold, dry/moist, static/mobile, rough/smooth, dense/subtle – that were useful in medicine. These are the same qualities that are found in the body and mind, and in diseases.  They realised that when some qualities in Nature [...]

The ayurvedic concept of immunity

In western medicine we talk about immunity, meaning the ability to resist diseases, especially infections. Western anatomy and physiology explains that the body has natural immune systems to control bacteria and viruses, including the lymphatic system, the white blood cells, natural killer cells, and others that work in tandem to keep the body healthy. So, [...]

Hair Loss and Pitta Dosha

Pitta is one of the three ayurvedic doshas, and is made up of fire and water elements. Pitta is considered to govern the health of skin and hair, and where there is an excess of Pitta, skin health can be adversely affected, and there is a tendency for early greying of hair, and premature hair [...]

Agni and the Liver

We have talked about Agni in previous posts. It is one of the most important concepts in Ayurveda. Agni is often translated as digestive capacity. But every organ is considered to have agni, and their individual agni is what enables them to function. Agni is also metabolism, your body’s ability to convert nutrients into energy [...]

Improve Your Digestion in Summer

In the Summer when the weather is hot, our digestive fire (agni) is diminished. We are less hungry, and easily feel uncomfortable when we overeat. In addition, people with a strong Pitta (fire) component become overheated. They may have loose stools, become irritable, and their skins have problems. In this post we will talk about [...]

Ayurvedic Skin Care for Dry skin

If your skin is dry and rough most of the time, it means the air element of Vata is predominant in your skin. Vata skin tends to be dry especially during the autumn and winter months, and even during the summertime. The pores are a little larger, the skin is delicate, often with roughness. Vata [...]

The Ayurvedic Approach to Menopause

Menopause is the phase of a woman’s life when her hormone balance changes, and she eventually stops menstruating. About 25% of women really have virtually no symptoms and about 25% of women have quite troublesome symptoms. The other 50% in the middle have milder-to-moderate degrees of symptoms. Menopause seems to be a modern problem. Many [...]

Did you know that your body is made up of 60% water? This means that, apart from air and food, water is very important for your health. Water is used in the body for many functions: To flush out wastes, through the kidneys, the skin, and the bowels To regulate body temperature, by sweating To [...]

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