10 Tips for Ayurvedic Winter Skin Care

Your skin needs extra care in winter and Ayurvedic skin care methods can be very helpful. Because of dry chilly winds any skin type can get dry in this season and results in dry, dull, lifeless and wrinkled skin. Ayurveda gives some simple and effective solutions for this season, which are easy to do at home by yourself. Winter is associated with Vata dosha which has dry, rough, cool qualities which gets increased in the body. Aggravated Vata causes dry flaky skin, chapped lips, cracks on tongue and feet and dry, brittle hair which results in hair loss. If your body is already going through these problems then obliviously New Zealand’s cold winter will aggravate the conditions.

This is the time to favor warm foods and drinks, soups and other water-rich foods, and increasing healthy oils in our diet. Drink spicy teas containing ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and other sweet spices – either as clear herbal teas or as “chai” with milk.

To ensure your skin stays beautiful this Winter, follow these Ten tips taken from ancient Ayurvedic wisdom:

1. Abhyanga – means before bath warm sesame oilself-massage is highly recommended in Ayurveda. The massage keeps your skin silky smooth, it also tones the muscles, calms the nerves, muscles and aids circulation and eventually balances vata dosha. Absolute dry skin people can use almond oil.

2. Drink lots of warm water throughout the day. (Add little ginger or celery seeds for heat and digestion if you like).

3. Internally one should take soaked-almonds, soaked-walnuts, pistachios, dates, resins, coconut, whole milk, fresh cheese(cottage-cheese), and ghee (clarified butter), wheat, urad-dal, meat and poultry, eggs, soups, herbal tea, warm porridges, tahini of roasted sesame seeds in diet.

4. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables, asparagus and carrots make excellent vegetable choices. Sweet juicy berries, cooked apples and sweet grapes are good fruit choices. Image result for yoga winter images

5. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day; working up a gentle sweat, and increasing your breathing rate slightly. Exercise will detoxify your skin, and will improve your circulation leading to radiant skin.

6. Ensure good sleep. Soak feet at night in warm water after application of sesame oil three times a week. A quick foot bath can be made in a large bowl with warm water, sea salts.

7. Do not use harsh soaps to cleanse instead use very mild soap or aloe vera body wash to cleanse. Use a natural cleanser such as milk, that cleanses your skin by removing dust from deepest layers of the skin and on top of that it moisturizes and nourishes your skin.Use a cold milk and with the help of cotton ball apply it on your face, rub the cotton very softly . Do this twice or thrice a day and get healthy and glowing skin.

8. Amalaki, Shatavari, Ashwagandha are good vata balancing herbs. Take Amalaki on a regular basis in the form of “Chyawanprash” to rejuvenate the body.

9. Protect your bones and joints from cold as arthritis like conditions are aggravated due to vata imbalance.

10. Try to avoid exposing skin to harsh winter elements such as freezing snow fall and drying cold winds up on mountains. One must use thermal wares, always. Dress warmly, in multiple layers, and use hats, scarf and gloves when you go out in cold weather.

Contact us to get your supply of winter care herbs, Chyawanprash, sesame massage oil, and other Ayurvedic skincare products.

We have variety of Ayurvedic products and treatments available for all health conditions.

Photo credit: Almos Bechtold

Meet the Author

Dr Priya Punjabi

Dr. Priya Punjabi is a ranked Ayurvedic practitioner in New Zealand, having represented the nation on National TV and at the International Health Convention. Dr. Punjabi earned her Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree in 1989, at the prestigious University of Pune, under the Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya School.