Ayurvedic Natural Approaches to Increasing Fertility

Ayurvedic fertility is a natural approach to optimising conception and child health. For most people, having a child is a joy, bringing thoughts of the pleasures of watching this baby grow into a fine young person. Why is it that, sometimes, conceiving a child – such a natural process amongst the birds and the bees – can be difficult or even seemingly out of reach?

Fertility problems are pretty common nowadays. Many people struggle with conceiving and thus have to try therapies to be able to conceive. It is a good idea to try a natural approach first, and if necessary, in conjunction with medical treatments when further help is needed.

Did you know an estimated 15 per cent of couples have difficulty conceiving a child?

  • In one third of cases the reasons lie with the man’s fertility
  • In one third with the women’s
  • For the last third, both partners experience reduced fertility

According to the World Health Organization, infertility is “a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.”

Causes of infertility according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda traditionally explains that infertility can be caused by:

  • Poor nutrition, poor digestion or toxin build-up causing obstruction in the reproduction channels
  • Poor sperm production as a result of eating too much spicy, salty and hot foods
  • Infection or injury causing damage to reproductive organs and tissue
  • Overindulgence in sexual activity
  • Excessive control of the sexual urges for prolonged periods
  • Genetic inheritance

Furthermore, Ayurvedic texts state, and modern research is showing, that disease or unhealthy lifestyle habits in the parents can lead to unhealthy children.

Ayurvedic fertility approach to creating a healthy child

According to Ayurveda, the terrain for planting a seed needs to be well nourished and cared for; thus good reproductive health of the mother and father is key to conceiving and creating a healthy child.

Therefore, in Ayurveda pre-conception preparation of the parents is considered very important. It is considered that a minimum of 3 months is necessary, and an ideal time of 12 months, to boost the reproductive health of both the mother and father, so the sperm is in optimum condition, as is the egg and the womb of the mother.

The female fertility cycle needs to be regular for conception to happen. Most women have 28-34 day cycles. Ovulation usually occurs between day 12 and day 16 of a woman’s cycle. Knowing your cycle is an important factor. Keep a record of your cycles with charts. This can be very helpful in choosing the right times to have intercourse, and diagnosing a problem if one should arise.

Ayurvedic lifestyle tips

Excellent health is achieved through living life in health-promoting ways. Natural is always best, because natural foods and products usually complement rather than aggravate the body.

  • Healthy lifestyle hygiene habits, such as going to the toilet every morning
  • Eating wholesome foods made from fresh produce
  • Kindling digestive energy by avoiding cold drinks and overeating
  • Choosing happy life experiences and managing stress
  • Encouraging healthy development of all the body’s tissue, including reproductive tissue – which is  called shukra dhatu in Ayurvedic medicine.

The following Ayurvedic fertility recommendations support healthy conception, a healthy pregnancy and can also be used to support the success of modern fertility treatments:

  • Eat and drink at regular intervals, in moderate amounts.  Prefer a larger lunch and a lighter evening meal.
  • Drink warm water and herbal tea each day, to cleanse the digestive system and boost digestive energy.
  • Eat a wide variety of foods daily and vary your food choices. Review your eating habits – many people are not aware of their unhealthy habits until they observe how they reach out for particular foods, especially as snacks. Try to avoid snacking, and if you feel hungry, choose nuts, dates or fruit.
  • Manage your stress and do what you enjoy!  Practise a form of yoga that suits you, meditate daily, and do things that relax you and nourish your soul. Walking 20-30 minutes is very mentally relaxing as well as beneficial for weight balance and health.
  • Cultivate good sleeping habits. Go to bed by 10pm and rise before 7am. Good sleep is essential. An early morning walk is especially helpful – keep warm if it is winter season.
  • Enjoy a self-oil massage (abhyanga) in the morning. You can use warmed sesame oil if you are a Vata type, or coconut oil of you are a Pitta type. If you are a strong kapha type, dry body brushing may be more suitable.
  • Eat foods that nourish the cells and help build healthy reproductive tissue. These include
    fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly asparagus, broccoli and pumpkin or butternut; almond or dairy milkshakes made with dates or mango; hot milks with saffron and/or turmeric and honey; whole grains and rice pudding; black cumin, regular cumin and turmeric.

Ayurvedic fertility  through herbs

Ayurvedic medicine has a range of herbs that are known to improve fertility. As stated above, these herbs should be taken for a period of 3-12 months.

Their main effects are:

  • Increase circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Break the adhesion and scar tissue in the Fallopian tubes and reproductive system. 
  • Bring fresh, oxygenated blood to the eggs, helping to nourish and increase egg health.
  • Help the body to rid itself of old stagnant blood and tissues remaining from endometriosis and sluggish menstruation.
  • Improve sperm quality, quantity and motility.
  • Reduce anxiety and reduce erectile dysfunctions.
  • Promote hormonal balance by strengthening the feedback loop between the pituitary, hypothalamus, and ovaries which controls the levels of hormones produced.
  • Help restore natural balance to your body.
  • Include natural and holistic support on your fertility journey.

These ayurvedic fertility herbs include ashwagandha, shatavari, kapikacchu, and musali. It is best to get a specific formulation from an ayurvedic practitioner to suit your needs.

How an Ayurvedic doctor can help you conceive

If you are committed to conceiving, or have tried for while without success, it is a good idea to have an ayurvedic fertility programme from a qualified ayurvedic physician. At Ultimate Ayurveda, we are highly experienced at helping couples conceive, and we have hundreds of success stories and testimonials.

If you have been unsuccessful for a while, we firstly recommend medical tests to determine if there are organic (bodily) causes – in both the man and woman. We also assess your health status from an ayurvedic perspective.

We then create a comprehensive programme that addresses your health and wellbeing on all levels, and includes diet, lifestyle, stress management, and exercise recommendations, as well as specific herbal formulas and therapies.

If you wish to find out more about how Dr Priya Punjabi can help you from her 30 years of dealing with fertility issues, please call us on (09) 829 2045 or email us

Meet the Author

Dr Priya Punjabi

Dr. Priya Punjabi is a ranked Ayurvedic practitioner in New Zealand, having represented the nation on National TV and at the International Health Convention. Dr. Punjabi earned her Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree in 1989, at the prestigious University of Pune, under the Tilak Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya School.